Background History of Holy Family Catholic Church Utawala


 -Started as informal families gathering as jumuiya for prayers in  May 1999, with 4 families.

– Official formation of the first official Jumuiya(Holy family Jumuiya) was done in June 2000 as a jumuiya of APTC church. The inaugurate meeting was done at the house of Mr. &Mrs John Osano. The  first families behind Holy Family were:

Mr. & Mrs. Osano

Mr. & Mrs. Oyaro

Mr. & Mrs. Masaka

Mr. & Mrs. Mwakio

Mr. & Mrs. Kaunda

-The Holy Family Jumuiya  was officially launched and the first elected officials of the Holy Family jumuiya


Chair                      – Denis Radonji

Vice Chair             – John Osano

Secretary               – John Masaka

Ass. Secretary –

Treasurer               – Hellen Mwakio

-Holy Family jumuiya continued to be one of the APTC church jumuiyas with Utawala Christians attending Sunday masses and holding jumuiya meetings.

-In June 2001, the idea of starting Holy Family Utawala church was conceived in a jumuiya meeting attended by Fr. Noel and Fr. Benjamin, held at the house of Mr. & Mrs. Kaunda.

Fr. Noel contributed 20,000/= as the first cash towards buying a church plot.

Holy family jumuiya members organized several fundraisings and identified Embakasi Ranching plots as the most suitable for future church location. -Fr. John Joe took over from Fr. Noel and pushed the idea of buying church plot

The jumuiya negotiated for a 2 acre plot with Embakasi Ranching Company and agreed on an installment payment mode.

-In April 2002,  the first Jumuiya meeting was held in the open air church plot.

-On 20th October 2002, the first open air mass was celebrated on the church plot.

-Awareness campaign was launched within Utawala and the environment around the church plot to sensitized the upcoming church. This resulted in a spiritual growth with the formation of St. Teresa jumuiya.

-Since the day of the first mass on the church  plot on 20/10/2002, we never missed celebrating a Sunday mass in the plot, several of the open air.

-The first structure to be put on the plot was the pit latrine. Then started a small church structure that was all iron sheet both      roofing and walling.


Spiritual growth of the church.

-Started with one jumuia (Holy Family Jumuia)

-Joined by an existing Jumuia, St Teresa from

St Peters Church, Ruai Parish

-First Church Pastoral Council Elections

-Leadership seminars

-Church groups formations

-Infants Baptisms

-Catechism classes

-First Holy communion

-Christian formation Activities

-Church marriages

-Holy Family operating as autonomous outstation of Embakasi Parish.

St. Patricks Community Priests who have served at

  1. F Utawala

Fr. Noel

Fr, Benjamin

Fr. John Joe Garvey

Fr. George Marete

Fr. Niel

Fr. Sean

Fr. Joseph Bosco Kamau

Other visiting priests…..

Development growth of the Church:

-First mabati church structure

-Pit latrine

-Nursery school started in the mabati structure -More land purchased to make 4.5 acres.

-Purchase of two church plots 0.25 acres each near AP camp

-Church building structure expansion done ( Mabati structure)

-Facilitation of land purchase for the Apostolic Carmel Sisters 6acres.

-Change of change building structure from Mabati to stone wall structure

-Building of Dispensary

-Septic Tank and sewerage system

-Building of Fathers residential house

-Main Church foundation started ( Nyamweya Era)


Holy Famaily Church Leadership 1stCPC Executive:

  • Denis Radonji – Chairman
  • Joseph Kiragu – V. Chairman
  • Peter Mubangi – Secretary
  • Christopher Ayora – Tresurer
  • – Asst Secretary

Other CPC members in the attached photo.

2nd CPC Executive:

  • Denis Radonji – Chairman
  • Joseph Njoroge – V. Chairman
  • James Nyamweya – Secretary – Agripina Njoroge – Treasurer 3rd CPC Executive:
  • James Nyamweya – Chairman
  • – V. Chairman
  • – Secretary
  • – Treasurer


Some Important Memories of the Church History

-Church peaceful protest against church plots grabbed by AP

-Four (4) church officials locked in Ruai police cell for fighting for land injustice – church grabbed land: The Ruai Four were: Mr. Denis Radonji

Mr. Charles Kahoro

Mr. Stanley Kareithi Mrs. Sophie Kahoro

-The four together with James Nyamweya were charged with criminal offence, malicious damage to property  and the case went on for 3 years at Makadara Law Courts, defended by lawyer James Mangerere. The four were later released with no conviction.

-Fr. John Joe was charged but never taken to court.