Catholic Men Association (CMA)




The Catholic Men Association- CMA is a lay non-profit making and non-political membership of baptized and devout male Christians of Roman Catholic Church. This is of the Church Organs in our Parish.

St. Joseph is the Patron Saint of the CMA and a model of family life.



1). All Catholic Men above 18 years and not simultaneously members of the youth group.

2). All married Men.

3). Members of jumuiyas through small Christian Communities.

4). Associate membership – These are members of the clergy by the virtue of their ministry.



  • All Catholic men are encouraged to join this association.
  • We are continuously recruiting new members and we are on the process of training new members about the CMA and we shall have training in the date that we shall announce.
  • We are in the process of forming a liturgical department in our setup to take care of this issue. Registration fee of 300.ksh and a monthly subscription of 200.ksh.



One can be a CMA member by registration but it’s through commissioning that an individual becomes a full member in the association. We shall commission the committed new members on September 2018. They are required to be active in the church activities and be the members of the jumuiyas. We shall have a register to keep records of new members to be commissioned. Training for this will start in July 2018.



  • We shall have at the start of the Holy Mass for CMA to be led by FR. Bosco Kamau when he comes back as he has requested to be there and talk to all men. This will be towards the end of this year.
  • We shall have a charity event which we shall visit the Kamiti Maximum Prison on the 24th of March 2018. Mr. Ekobe Moses is taking care of the arrangements.
  • A retreat at kyumvi shrine in the year.
  • Closing of the year get together will be held in November and the venue is yet to be confirmed.
  • Annual music competition. In this all the CMA members have a duty to attend and participate. The music practice will start on 12th of 2/2018. Every Monday and Wednesday starting from 7:00 pm -8:00 pm at Holy Family Parish Church. We shall have teacher Makandia assisted by MR. Njuki to see us through. Last year we managed to 1 in the Denary and position.7 in the Archdiocese.
  • Feast of St .Joseph the husband of Blessed Virgin Mary. This will be on 19th of 3rd 2018 and we shall give the venue. The event brings together all men from across the entire Archdiocese.
  • Social Events. In this we encourage those who have not married in church to do so and we support. We also assist the sick and those who have lost their loved ones. We are having plans where we shall start helping our youth and any other request put to us by the church.
  • We shall keep you updated on any other coming events